let me remind you that this is a mockery write-up; merely a work of fiction. It has nothing to do with the result been declared lately on 15th March, 2013
by Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University (SGBAU). And even in case you find it contemptuous
then please write me at sanketthodge@gmail.com.
I will feel glad if you just enjoy it and spread the smile.

Amravati, 15th March, 2013: Today
on evening around 5:30 pm the third year engineering students of Sant Gadge Baba
Amravati University finally took a sigh of relief as soon as the press note was
successfully uploaded to SGBAU’s official site after whooping 87 days. This was
taken as a shock by all the students of third year engineering students, as
none of them were expecting it. From the sources of PTI it was informed that it
was a routine event of uploading press note and then mark sheet. It has nothing
to do with the immense tension that was being felt by university officials from
But our inner sources have confirmed that SGBAU officials were actually willing to jolt down their name in
the Guinness Book of World Records in domain of taking 'The most time in declaring
the examination result'. After asking the honorable vice chancellor if they were planning for this attempt they said “It is a complete non-sense. We can NEVER do this; that so at the sake of students’ future. It’s
ridiculous. I completely disagree with this.” But against this a person who
don’t want to be named said that this was actually an attempt to bring SGBAU
in limelight which as per their analysis might attract more companies and in
turn more campus recruitment.
When asked about the students about their reaction we got some much unexpected reactions. One student claimed that “SGBAU is knowingly doing this. They are jealous of our talent. And they are feeling awe of aspirants like us, as someday their position might be grabbed by us.” When asked about his SGPA score we got to know that he is part of old percentage system and is working hard to clear his third year subjects from prolonged eight years. Another student seems very agonizing “I am student of PRMIT and R. And we are facing the same situation every semester. The result of our batch has always been declared late. They have always got our batch to have experimented on. Be it first semester or fifth semester. I just hope the same thing won't happen in the final semester, else we would be missing our joining dates.”
When asked about the students about their reaction we got some much unexpected reactions. One student claimed that “SGBAU is knowingly doing this. They are jealous of our talent. And they are feeling awe of aspirants like us, as someday their position might be grabbed by us.” When asked about his SGPA score we got to know that he is part of old percentage system and is working hard to clear his third year subjects from prolonged eight years. Another student seems very agonizing “I am student of PRMIT and R. And we are facing the same situation every semester. The result of our batch has always been declared late. They have always got our batch to have experimented on. Be it first semester or fifth semester. I just hope the same thing won't happen in the final semester, else we would be missing our joining dates.”
The wrath was clearly visible.
But this has not been the ONLY case. After digging out past the time domain
between examination and the result declaration date it has been found that same
attempt has been made before this as well. Last was also with the same batch
when their fourth semester result took 86 days in the declaration. Students are dreaded
that same thing might happen with upcoming semester results.
But SGBAU is yet to declare Electronics
and Telecommunication third year students’ result and this can be one of the
reasons which can assist register SGBAU in Guinness Book of World Records without
any contempt from media and student.
After contacting Guinness World Record headquarter at Hanover Square, London, UK we got to know that such applications are not accepted. We got there reply as “We do welcome this new approximation from India and find this genuine application eligible. But the hurdle is the result of some branches is declared and some are pending. We won’t make any exception to this rule. Though India is the biggest market for us after US and UK. We can’t lose our grip there.” But Limca book of records seems very fascinated on this concept. From the inside sources it has been confirmed that very soon CEO of Limca Book of Records shall make an endeavor to SGBAU.
After contacting Guinness World Record headquarter at Hanover Square, London, UK we got to know that such applications are not accepted. We got there reply as “We do welcome this new approximation from India and find this genuine application eligible. But the hurdle is the result of some branches is declared and some are pending. We won’t make any exception to this rule. Though India is the biggest market for us after US and UK. We can’t lose our grip there.” But Limca book of records seems very fascinated on this concept. From the inside sources it has been confirmed that very soon CEO of Limca Book of Records shall make an endeavor to SGBAU.
As soon as this news was leaked
it resulted into a sudden outburst of numerous educational organizations. They
have said that this might inversely harm the students’ career and the already eminent
suicide, unemployment and poverty rate might go higher. After asking how unemployment,
poverty, suicide and SGBAU’s this attempt are concerned for each other they said
they are yet to analyze it.
But SGBAU still has chances they
might make to Guinness Book. SGBAU’s official website http://www.sgabu.ac.in
has been hacked millions of times. BSNL ISP has shown up that SGBAU site has been attacked more often than Google and Indian Army websites. The technical department
of SGBAU stated that this might be the conspiracy of China. As the Chinese government feels them as a threat to educational progress in their country and
all Chinese talent might be stagnated in SGBAU.
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Keywords: amravti, engineering, fifth semester, guinness world record, PRMIT and R, sant gadge baba amravati university, sgbau